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Well well well then, what do we have here?


I ummed and ahhed for a few days over this piece because clearly I'm an idiot. It's not the kind of thing I ususally buy because it's not the kind of thing I would put on and never take off and you know that this is what it's about here; those every day, don't have to think about staples.


But then there was this. A truly beautiful and hard to find acrostic necklace with gems that spell out the word, DEAREST (Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz).


I asked two people whether I should buy the piece in, my mum and my friend Sarah, both who said "IF YOU DON'T BUY IT I WILL" So I did buy it and here it is.


Acrostic jewellery first originated in the Georgian era and remained popular up until around the middle of the Victorian era. The word 'acrostic' refers to an item that has a hidden message within its design.


Other words that are commonly spelt out in this kind of jewellery are ADORE (Amethyst, Diamond, Opal, Ruby, Emerald) and REGARD (Ruby, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst, Ruby, Diamond)


Made in the Victorian style, this amazing piece contains 7 solid, hearts with a bezel set gem to the centre. They hang freely from a 9 carat gold, fine cable link chain.


The first heart which contains the diamond is particularly special. A chubby and characterful old cut which sits proud of its mount is, in my opinion, the star of the show but all of the gems are bright and vivid.


The amethyst has been re set in silver and the bezel isn't as flush as the others. Why? Who knows. Often in this job, there isn't a definitive answer to a question and this is one of them.

A heavy piece, at just over 20 grams in weight, it feels nice and substantial around the neck.


Your chance to own a super special piece, that you'll not see another of for a while!

Extra special acrostic charm necklace

Out of Stock
  • Material - 9ct gold

    Hallmarks - 375 to clasp | all hearts test positively for 9 carat gold

    Country of origin - England

    Total length - 16.5”

    Weight - 20.1g

    Condition - excellent

  • All of my pieces are at the very least pre-owned and most of them are vintage or antique. This item is not brand new and as such, will not look brand new. Please expect signs of wear to include kinks in links, surface wear to gold, scuffs to stones and accept this as part and parcel of buying second hand jewellery. I will be as clear as I can with item descriptions and condition statements and aim to make sure you are aware of any potential defects before you buy. Please study the photos carefully as they form part of the condition statement.

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